So at least once a week I get on the computer and read my friends blogs.. I love to see all the fun things my friends are doing in there lives~ the good times, the sad, and all the pictures that go along with it~ I always hope that everyone has updated there blog so I can read it... Some times I am dissapointed! ( Jana E.)!! But do I ever look at my own blog that is never up to date??! Thats Right I want everyone else to update and I am not doing it myself! I always have the best reasons.. We haven't done anything worth writing about~ or My I haven't down loaded any pictures of What we have done~ Well the other day I was having lunch with some great friends~ And we were talking about how you can make a blog book of all of your blog and how fun it will be for our kids to look back on all the fun things we did as a family! It's almost like a big Journal! I know that I should really be keeping a Journal for my kids..but since I am not this should count for something!! So Here's to a new year!! I will be better at updating my blog atleast once a week! Hope you enjoy are family blog!